The Missouri Center for Employee Ownership is excited to host ongoing Twitter chats to foster innovative and cross-system conversations related to business, economic development, and entrepreneurship and their impact on our communities in the region. Anyone can participate in a #MOCEOchat and here is how they work:
Step 1: Follow @MissouriCEO on Twitter.
Step 2: Mark your calendar for the next event: 12 p.m. CST, Thursday, April 21.
Step 3: Follow the conversation by staying on @MissouriCEO‘s profile or by searching the #MOCEOchat hashtag.
Step 4: Join the conversation. @MissouriCEO will ask numbered questions, beginning each tweet with Q for “question” and its number in order. You can jump in anytime by tweeting your answer, beginning your tweet with the letter A for “answer” and the corresponding number for the question you’re respond to.
So, if @MissouriCEO tweets Q1. What’s your name? You could respond by tweeting from your own profile (either as an original tweet or quoting the question) A1. My name is _______ .
If you see someone else’s answer that looks interesting, you can reply to it. Eventually dozens of conversations are happening simultaneously.
The most important rule for participating in a Twitter chat (besides “be nice”) is always use the hashtag. So, be sure to include #MOCEOchat on every answer, comment, or reply you tweet in order to make sure everyone else participating can see what you’re saying.